
Documentation and examples for badges, Bootstrap's small count and labeling component.


Badges scale to match the size of the immediate parent element by using relative font sizing and em units..

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New

Example heading New
Example heading New

Badges can be used as part of links or buttons to provide a counter.

Note that depending on how they are used, badges may be confusing for users of screen readers and similar assistive technologies. While the styling of badges provides a visual cue as to their purpose, these users will simply be presented with the content of the badge. Depending on the specific situation, these badges may seem like random additional words or numbers at the end of a sentence, link, or button.

Unless the context is clear (as with the “Notifications” example, where it is understood that the “4” is the number of notifications), consider including additional context with a visually hidden piece of additional text.

Contextual variations

Add any of the below mentioned modifier classes to change the appearance of a badge.

.primary .secondary .red .green .blue .yellow .white .black


Using the contextual .badge-* classes on an <a> element quickly provide actionable badges with hover and focus states.

.primary .secondary .red .green .blue .yellow .white .black

Pill badges

Use the .badge-pill modifier class to make badges more rounded (with a larger border-radius and additional horizontal padding). Useful if you miss the badges from v3.

.primary .secondary .red .green .blue .yellow .white .black

Pulse badges

Add the .pulse class to make badges pulsate.

.primary .secondary .red .green .blue .yellow .white .black

Icon badges

Use the .badge-icon modifier class to add icons to the badges. This also works with an a as inner element.

.badge-icon .badge-icon .badge-icon .badge-icon .badge-icon .badge-icon .badge-icon .badge-icon

Avatar badges

Use the .badge-avatar modifier class to make badges more rounded and with an img.

badge-primary .badge-avatar badge-secondary .badge-avatar badge-red .badge-avatar badge-green .badge-avatar badge-blue .badge-avatar badge-yellow .badge-avatar badge-white .badge-avatar badge-black .badge-avatar